Midweek -- Coffee Break
March 8th 2013
March 8th 2013
This morning, Wednesday, March 13, 2013, I watched on TV the
introduction of the new Pope, Argentina’s, 75 year old, Cardinal Jorge
Mario Bergoglio. As he walked out the door and through the curtains to
the balcony overlooking St Peters square, the 100,000 umbrella’d
believers erupted into prolonged cheering and applause for the first
Pope from the western hemisphere, the first Franciscan Pope, hence, Pope
Francis the First.
Even though I was a practising Catholic for 35 years, I’ve not been
one for the past 20 years, so I felt no special personal attraction to
the event. But I did feel a sense of joy and pride, because there is a
greater significance in the selection of a new Pope that transends a
specific religion or denomination, perhaps because this one man can
effect the social and spiritual lives of 1.2 billion believers
Pope Francis the First is about to take the reins of the church when
some of its most basic tenets of are being challenged. Contrary to
established church doctrine, according to most recent polls, 58% of
catholic believers favor abortion “in some cases”, 62% believe the
church should accept divorce, 63% favor the use of contraceptives. A
growing number of catholics believe Priests should be allowed to marry,
that women should have a greater role in leadership and liturgy, and all
of this with the overlay of the priestly sex abuse and coverup scandal
with horrendous moral and financial consequences. The Vatican gardens
are rife with thorny issues. But Pope Francis the First, in his first
few words spoken from that famous balcony overlooking the multitudes,
indicated he is the right Gardener for the times.
Like St Francis himself, the Patron Saint of the natural environment,
and of animals, birds, fish and all God’s living creatures, the
gentleness and humility of the new Pope were clearly evident. After
thanking the people for their tremendous welcome, he invited them to
pray for him. “Brothers and sisters please pray for me. Let us
pray silently together”. And then he prayed aloud, again with the
people, the most common and universal prayer of all; The Lord’s Prayer.
think I was especially touched by the event this morning because as a
youngster learning California history, I was always fascinated by the
Franciscan monk, Father Junipero Serra who founded nine of the 21
Spanish missions spanning the length of the state, and having a major
role in several others. And because my catholic faith sustained me
through some very dark times in my life.
Three years ago while travelling in Italy, Susan and I sought out the
picturesque town of Assisi where St. Francis ministered to the poor in
the early 1200s AD, and we prayed at his tomb there in the lower
catacombs of the majestic basilica of St. Francis.
Finally, in honoring the new Pope, Francis the First, I am moved to
share one of Christianity’s most moving prayers which is also set to
music; The “Prayer of Saint Francis”. If you choose to read it, please
do so thoughtfully, and appreciate!
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master grant that I may not so much seek...
To be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
It is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life
Long live Pope Francis the First!
May his rein be fruitful, and may his legacy be rich.
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